Tuesday, August 10, 2010

That's what I have friends for

Shut the fuck up please, you know nothing about me, I didn't ask for your advice nor do I consider you worth listening to. There's a fine line between acquaintance and friend I don't care how many times I've seen you. Why does everyone who's not your friend have a degree in psychology and has walked the same exact life path because "I know what you mean". Where have these people been. I could have had a much safer and un-entertaining life if I would have just had a an asshole acquaintance like you holding my hand. I don't understand why everyone has to give their advice and opinion about the past, because after this conversation I'm totally hopping in my Delorium and gunning it to 85 to give it another go. Or when not seeing one of these shits for awhile (I wonder why) they have the urge to bring up all the awfulness from that time period to see "how you holding up?" Yeah it's been a long time I definitely want to open these wounds again, what was I thinking pushing these things into the closet like a gay child. Make sure not to be honest either and tell these people you prefer them to be dead, because being honest is mean and your ears and mentality should suffer so their feelings aren't hurt. Please if I don't look excited to see you. I'm not. Let's keep it at hi and bye, preferably bye.

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